I started selling on Ebay likely before a good portion of you were even breathing oxygen on this planet.

My Ebay account can be traced back to 2002, believe it or not, which makes me both old and wise in the ways of the Ebay-sphere.

I remember selling Jamal Lewis rookies, buying Lebron and countless others over the years.

I sell a ton on Ebay even today, and have come to accept the fees as a necessary evil to actually moving cards without having to spend an entire weekend set up a card show. 

Lately, however, I’ve been focused more and more on Thursday nights and the PWCC auction.

Sure, they had a few issues a while back with the who getting ousted from Ebay for shill bidding allegations.

And sure, maybe you don’t always get the best deal.

But I still dig it.

 And, if you have any idea what you’re looking at, particularly with the some of the lower end auction items, you can find some pretty darn good value. 

I’m on about a six week heater at PWCC where I’ve managed to get, what I feel, are some pretty decent deals.

And no, I can not explain to you the extended bidding feature found here, and other places as well. 

What is he point of an auction if it’s not going to end when it’s over?

Oh well, nothing can be perfect. 

The point I’m trying to make here is there more to the auction universe than Ebay.

I encourage all of you to, at the very least, give places like PWCC and others (Golden, Heritage, among others) a look. 

Not only might you find some really cool cards. 

Not only might you find some really good value, but you also might find yourself having a good time browsing the items and making bids. 

Again, there isn’t anything wrong with Ebay other than that which we already haven’t been over in articles past, but there are other options. 

Don’t be afraid to exercise these options. 


Injuries Abound


In Search of a Running Back