eBay Shenanigans

Every so often I will use this space in the hobby to check in on my own sanity.

This week, I’m warning, is one of these times. 

Please, after you read this article, comment below and let me know if I’m actually crazy, or am I actually on to something. 

I’ve been selling Sportscard on Ebay since roughly 2002, so to say I’m seasoned would be an accurate description. 

I’ve encountered many a weird situation as well, and nearly every excuse from a buyer/seller you can think of from “dog ate the card,” to “I was high when I bought these,” and everything in between.

And, because Ebay is, as a general rule, awful to sellers, I’ve had to refund regardless of the reason (or lack thereof).

But lately, the level of idiocy on Ebay has been at an all-time high. 

I’ve had sellers ask for refunds after the item has been delivered… claiming they didn’t get the card. 

I’ve had people message me with offers that are 70%-90% below what the asking price on the item (and I generally list items at or a tad below comps to begin with).

I had a bloke accuse me of stealing his card from a card show and then listing it, even though I live in Michigan and the card show was in California, and the serial numbers weren’t the same. 

And, I had someone message me just this week telling me, “There’s too many listings and it’s too confusing,” and his suggestion was, “list one card at time and don’t list another one until that one is done.” 

And it’s not just the buyers either.

I’ve sent what I believed to be reasonable offers and messages about cards that are simply never responded to at all.

I’ve gotten cards packaged terribly and had to pay postage several times on items that were shipped incorrectly.

I had one lot I purchased a couple weeks back send to me with no shipping protection at all, just literally the cards in a PWE. 

Now, this was a $30 lot of about 10 cards. 

I messaged the seller who responded with, “you got them cheaper than you should’ve. Sorry. Not paying for the top loaders too.”

Granted, we buy a fair amount of cards, and the vast majority of these transactions go really well. 

But still, the level of arrogance and immaturity in the hobby is approaching insane levels — and this is from actual adults, not a 12-year-old kid trying to earn some money. 

Perhaps this is reflective of society.

Perhaps this is reflective of a hobby that, over the past few years, has seen a ton of people lose a ton of money.

Or, perhaps these folks just weren’t hugged enough as a child. I’m not sure. 

But either way, there seems to be so much of it lately.

What are some crazy experiences you’ve had?

Don’t be shy about sharing them in the comments below. 


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